Runji Consulting Group

Extension of water and sanitation Services to informal settlements of Mombasa and Malindi (Wassip)

Name of Client: Coast Water Services Board (CWSB)

Narrative Description of Project: The ultimate objective of the project is to undertake feasibility study of water sanitation services (septic tanks, ablution blocks, ECOSAN toilets and on-site sanitation) ; prepare detailed design for the extension of water supply and sanitation services (septic tanks, ablution blocks and on-site sanitation) in the target informal settlements in coordination with CWSB; and project management and supervision of construction in the informal settlements in coordination with CWSB, MOWASCO, and MAWASCO. In addition, the consultant is to prepare the tender documents [including the Specific Procurement Notice(s)] that shall be used to procure contractors and advise on optimal solutions for on-site sanitation in the informal settlements

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff: Design of Water Supply and onsite sewer disposal facilities, procurement of contactors and construction supervision including defects liability period. Preparation of Bid Documents and Engineer’s Estimate.

Country: Kenya          Location within Country: Mombasa and Malindi Districts of coast Provinces.

Start Date:  December 2010   Completion Date: May 2013

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